HoW we came to be - The Origin and The Mission

House Of Watchmen: The Origin

During a time of prayer and fasting at the beginning of 2021, the Founder had a dream about spiritual warfare and received many revelations. The main takeaways were to acknowledge that we're in a spiritual battle and therefore always to watch and pray.

From this time onwards, consistent prayer became a lifestyle; the Founder gathered a small group of believers together every morning at 6am to pray.

Over a year later, still praying daily, the Founder had a second dream, again with strong themes of spiritual warfare. In this particular dream, he was in an octagon-shaped house (thus the "House" icon and "O" being octagonal). The revelation of this dream was again remain watchful and to build the House for the Kingdom.

A month after this, the Founder received a word of prophecy from his pastor, confirming that he needs to be building. As a result of this combination of events, House Of Watchmen was birthed.


The "House" icon - Christ in the centre, octagon shape as envisioned in the second dream.


The Mission:

We are more than a Christian clothing brand; House of Watchmen is a movement of people who will lift up their voices and glorify God in all they do (Isaiah 52:8).

As the Spirit wrestles with the flesh, watching and praying is HoW we stay victorious (Matt 26:41).

HoW’s purpose and mission is to equip believers of Jesus Christ and build their faith through prayer, encouragement in various forms and the Word of God, making them as impactful as they can be in God’s Kingdom regardless of where or in which capacity they serve. 


We love to pray, encourage and build, so if you have prayer requests, collaboration requests or potentially commission requests, get in touch!